
Conditioning Your Body To Wellness Through Efficient Movement Patterns

Free Your Movement
Our approach to Pilates

Do you suffer from the stresses of modern day life? Is your day spent working at a computer desk, rushing from one meeting to another, or ferrying the kids, washing, ironing and ironing? Maybe you feel drained at the end of each day and wish you had the energy to handle these challenges, without a second thought. If this sounds like you, perhaps you need to consider getting fit with Pilates.

Inspired by the ancient ideal of the perfect man, Pilates is a unique body conditioning program that will combine your muscle strength, stability and mobility with a focus on breathing to keep your body balanced and improve your general well being.

Pilates focuses on your core postural muscles which keep the body balanced and provide support for the spine. The main advantage that Pilates has over other forms of exercise is that it is a low impact exercise routine and is beneficial to people at different fitness levels. Pilates provides you with the strength to perform everyday tasks that may require lifting objects with ease. Pilates also helps to ease aches and pains occurring from under use or over use of your muscles.

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Understanding The
Benefits of Pilates

Here are some of the ways you will benefit by following a regular Pilates routine:

  • Improved muscle tone that reduces the likelihood of injuries when participating in rigorous sporting or other activities
  • An improved posture to safeguard you from posture related physical conditions as you grow older
  • Increased core strength, stability and mobility that will make you look great and feel amazing
  • Improved athletic prowess, as you progress from a struggling sportsperson to an elite performer.
  • Improved balance, co-ordination and circulation, so you feel alert and energized throughout the day
  • Heightened awareness of your body. You will understand exactly what your body is telling you so you can vary the demands that you put on it
  • Increased strength and flexibility that will reduce the risk of injury or soreness due to sudden jerks, twists and unexpected movement patterns
  • Achieve balance in your life through a simple, low-impact exercise routine

At Natural Balance we offer group or individual Pilates classes, so get together with some friends, family members or colleagues and come over to our centre in NorwestBusinessPark. Or if you prefer book an appointment so we can tailor a personalised Pilates routine for you.

Explore Testimonials

Natural Balance has been providing us with therapists for a number of years now and our staff love their monthly massage. We can not talk highly enough of the therapists who are always so professional and friendly. In the words of one staff member "They're Awesome! No one gives me a better massage and I can't wait for our monthly massage day!" Corporate massage is the way to go to keep our staff happy, relaxed and motivated.
Nathan Birch- Owner, CEO- B invested
How good is Dave from Natural Balance Massage Stretch Strength Wellness. After crashing my road bike in Adelaide my back has been messed up. Two visits and some solid tears later, I can again touch my toes. Top stuff Dave! Cheers.
Chris Ryder- Road rider and Mountain bike rider, Jetblack Racing
I have been a client of Natural Balance for several months. I am a busy orthopaedic surgeon in the area, and as you might expect long days concentrating on surgery take their toll on your musculoskeletal well-being; being stiff and sore was often the norm at day's end. After the first session with Zoe I felt significantly improved, and after a few months my body feels better than it has for a very long time. Zoe has a lot of experience with high level sports people and as such of course has tremendous "healing hands". As an orthopaedic surgeon, I truly believe massage therapy should be integral to the maintenance of musculoskeletal health, not just injury management. I am happy to recommend Zoe from Natural Balance to you.
Manish Gupta, Orthopaedic Surgeon
I have been seeing Dave at Natural Balance since 2011. I have had numerous injuries ranging from Patella Femoral Syndrome and Bulging Discs in L4 and L5. With the help of Dave I have been able to continue with my training and perform optimally to keep my training at its peak. Being the Fitness Manager at Virgin Active Norwest I need to be in my best shape year round and will also refer all of my clients and staff to Dave and the Natural Balance team.
Luke Quinton, Fitness Manager, Virgin Active Health Club Norwest

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Take time out for yourself. Call us on 02 8860 9430 to make an appointment.